May, June, July, August
3 days
1 city
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Feathered stories
(three day tour for bird fans)
The Curonian spit
Polesskiy district
Slavskiy district
Peninsula Balga
3 day
(a tour for 1 day
is also possible)
upon request
If you are interested in ornithology, then you should definitely visit the Curonian Spit. Here you can not only enjoy the conversation with the specialists of the oldest ornithological station "Fringilla", but also talk with the birds themselves!
The largest cormorant colony in Europe is recorded in the Kaliningrad region. Hordes of these birds live at the mouth of the Deyma River, in the Polessky district.
By April, when the cormorant begins the nesting season, more than 10 thousand pairs flock here - to the North Mane Forest, and by the end of the season - up to 50 thousand!
In addition to cormorants, in this exotic forest on the shore of the Curonian lagoon, gray herons also make their nests.
During the morning dawn, when birds massively fly to the bay for fishing, it becomes even a little creepy and I recall the famous film by Alfred Hitchcock's “Birds”.
The area where cormorants live is often called the “Kaliningrad Venice”.
We suggest you go by boat from the bay and watch the birds, and for the group even a contest can be hold - who will see more birds in a certain period of time!
Another “our” pride is storks! This is a special phenomenon for Kaliningrad. Well, what other region of Russia can boast of these long-legged beauties?
And we can! These birds no longer surprise us, but the guests are delighted when there are dozens of nests on poles and water towers on the way to Svetlogorsk.
But it turns out that storks live not only along the roads. For example, in the Slavsky district there is a whole village called Storks.
And to see one of the largest white stork colonies in the region, come to the Big Berezhki of the Slavsky district. Here storks live a whole settlement.
To find a village is not an easy task, so we recommend to use the services of a professional tour operator.
At the entrance you will be met by a bust of Kalinin, and German pavers will lead to the ruins of a 17th-century church. The temple was erected for 28 years according to the project of Philip von Hitz, the builder of the Potsdam city castle. The church differs from traditional German churches: it is not rectangular, but almost round, octagonal.
The old church is still full of secrets and mysteries: on its walls there are mysterious signs, and on almost every wall there is a nest of white storks. Generally, big nests are everywhere here! Birds settled on the water tower, on poles and even on trees. As a rule, around the church there are about thirty inhabited nests.
Do not believe? See for yourself!
In the Kaliningrad region there is another unique place on a small ledge of the eastern coast of the Vistula Gulf - Balga Peninsula.
Here in the ducts of a large lowland swamp Primorsky-Novoe there is the so-called “Reed Venice”.
Swamps and the nearby lagoon are a huge accumulation and nesting of migratory water birds.
Swans, gray and white-fronted geese, coots, mallards, wolves, cormorants - this is just a small list of the variety of birds that will be presented to your eyes during a water safari on a motor boat.
For true fans of bird watching an option is offered - meeting the dawn in the reed beds in the swamp (rise at 02:30)
lunch at the estate, fishing on the lagoon
The Curonian spit
Polessky district
Slavsky district
Peninsula Balga
3 days
(a tour for 1 day
is also possible)
Additional Information
The price includes:
transport and guide, entrance tickets
The price of the excursion depends on:
- amount of people in the group (max. 6 pax)
- departure point (Kaliningrad or regional towns)
Indicate dates and number of travelers in the comment
Baltma Tours
about this tour
As you already know, the world's first ornithological station was founded in Rossitten
(now Rybachy village on the Curonian Spit) Professor I. Tinneman in 1901.
However, not only the Curonian Spit may be interesting for "the birdwatcher".