3 days
1 city
Внимание!Сайт компании «Балтма Турс» обновлён. Старая версия сайта находится по ссылке: old.baltma.ru
Hotel Villa Toscana is a luxury boutique hotel which is located in the central part of Kaliningrad. The hotel was built on the site of old German mansion stylized as the architecture of the Prussian city with an allusion to the Italian castle, which is reflected in the appearance and in the interiors. The house graced the part of the city where before the war the most luxurious villas of wealthy and famous residents of Konigsberg were located (formerly the elite district of old Konigsberg - Amalienau).
In the 3-story building there are 15 standard rooms with a double bed, one single room, two suites and two studios, as well as children's playroom and the restaurant. The colour scheme of each room is individual. Spicy terracotta, deep coniferous colour or a shade of thunderclouds create a special mood in tune with the main Tuscan motifs - fertile land, bright greenery and heaven.
The hotel has the garden with the fountain for walking.
total | 20
standard sgl |1
standard dbl | 15
studio | 2
suite | 2
A continental breakfast is served daily at the hotel, the memorable restaurant of Italian and European cuisines which will appeal to the most demanding gourmet. The restaurant ends with the terrace overlooking the central city park, whose trees cover this territory of peace and quiet like a green wall.
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