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Queen Louise Restaurant

Restaurant "Queen Louise" is a panoramic restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel of the same name. The large windows of the restaurant offer stunning views of the picturesque city park, which separates the restaurant from the sea coast. It only takes you five minutes to walk through the park after breakfast or lunch at Queen Louise and end up on the beach.

The restaurant's cuisine will give you no less pleasure. In the menu you will find creative dishes from the chef that can satisfy the taste of a true gourmet. “Baked peppers with anchovies and onion marmalade”, “Salad with pickled pear and ricotta cheese”, “Bisque with squid, mussels and shrimp”, “Duck breast with blanched asparagus and broccoli combined with apricot chutney”... Even the names themselves are mesmerizing !

Welcome to the "Queen Louise" restaurant and have a pleasant journey through the sea of exquisite taste!

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