Внимание!Сайт компании «Балтма Турс» обновлён. Старая версия сайта находится по ссылке: old.baltma.ru

Restaurant of local Baltic cuisine.

Dancing forest, wandering dunes, never-freezing wave crests, bursting onto the shore with splashes of relict amber - the nature of the Baltic, like an old fantastic legend, captivates the imagination and creates a unique fairy-tale aura... which you can taste! Having inhaled deeply the resin of the pine trees reaching up, letting a fresh gust of salty wind into your chest, tasting the fruits of the rich depths of the Baltic Sea.

LOCAL BALTIC FOOD is a special philosophy of unity with nature, respectful acceptance of its gifts and the celebration of the taste for life. The eminent chef Rustam Tangirov - food designer, executive president of the St. Petersburg Chefs Club, permanent presenter of culinary programs on TV - inspired by the beauty of the sea, the simple and clear taste of freshly caught fish by the fire at dawn, proposed a unique menu that will allow everyone to experience the primitive joy of a fisherman tasting his long-awaited catch. Baltic salmon, sprat, eel, pike perch, scallop, pike, mackerel - only fresh, only local, only according to the best recipes and only in LOCAL.

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